We are a congregation of believers that love God, loves others, and believes deeply in service to humanity. We are a part of the Baptist General Convention located in Virginia, the American Baptist Churches of the South, and the Baptist General Association of Virginia. As a congregation, we practice continual spiritual growth and prayerful planning, both of which are emphasized in our vision and strategic plan. We are always delighted to have guests, and we welcome you to worship with us, and to participate in our ministries.
Our Prayer for NZBC Is that We Will Grow Greatly Spiritually, Relationally, Numerically, in Health and Healing, Financially and in God's Favor in Order that the Gospel Message Would Go Forth and People Will Be Saved.
We LOVE God; We LOVE Others; We SERVE Humanity
To bring people to Jesus and membership in His family and to develop them to Christ-like maturity, equipping them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world in order to magnify God's name.
Dr. Robert A. Whitehead, Sr., Pastor
Dr. Robert Ashley Whitehead, Sr. is the third of seven children born to the late James W. Whitehead, Sr. and the late Geraldine J. Whitehead of Portsmouth, Virginia. He has been married to Dr. Jocelyn Henry-Whitehead for over thirty-eight years. They have two sons, Bobby and Matthew, and a daughter-in-law, Monica. They are the proud grandparents of two grandsons, Robbie and Noah.
Dr. Whitehead has been pastor of New Zion Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Virginia for twenty-eight years. Since that time, the church has increased its emphasis not only in spiritual matters, but also in community involvement, education, mentoring, health issues, and stewardship.
Pastor Whitehead was educated in the public school district of Portsmouth, Virginia. He received a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Political Science from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. He earned his Masters of Divinity Degree from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. He has taken additional courses in Business from Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Richmond. Pastor Whitehead completed his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia with an emphasis on Leadership and Renewal.
Dr. Whitehead is a member of the Williamsburg Tri-County Pastor’s Council, and the African American Fellowship (AAF) of the Virginia Baptist. He is a past board member of the Williamsburg Aids Network, which was eventually renamed, A Hope 4 Tomorrow, Inc., a past board member of Faith In Action, and a past board member of Housing Partnerships of Williamsburg. He served on the Pastoral Advisory Council at Sentara Regional Medical Center in Williamsburg, Virginia and was a volunteer chaplain at that facility. Pastor Whitehead is a life member of the York-James City-Williamsburg Branch of the NAACP and he is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Dr. Whitehead is an advocate for education and assists with working with individuals, groups, and schools for a better community. He has taught classes and facilitated workshop for congregations in the area of leadership, stewardship, and building programs. He mentors seminary students and pastors.
Prior to Pastor Whitehead serving as full-time pastor of New Zion, he was bi-vocational and was also employed in the Accounting and Finance Department with the former Circuit City Stores, Inc. at its corporate offices in Richmond, Virginia. He was employed there over fourteen years and was a part of their management and leadership team.
Dr. Jocelyn Henry-Whitehead, First Lady
Dr. Jocelyn Georgette Henry-Whitehead is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. Along with her brother, Carlton Jerome Henry, Sr., she is the second child born to the late Rev. George Edward Henry and the late Mrs. Susan Vera Coffey Henry. Dr. Jocelyn is married to Dr. Robert Whitehead, Sr. of Portsmouth, Virginia. The Whiteheads who have been married since 1980 are blessed to have two sons, Robert Jr. and Matthew; one daughter-in-law, Monica; and two grandsons, Robert III and Noah.
Dr. Jocelyn was educated in the public school system in Baltimore. She received a Bachelor of Science degree and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Education from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Her Master's degree, her Educational Specialist degree, and her doctorate in Higher Education are all from The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. She is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Over the years, Dr. Jocelyn has been a Baltimore City police officer, a corporate trainer, a museum educator, a music teacher, an assistant principal, a Head Start director, an adjunct professor, named Teacher of the Year, and appeared in Who’s Whom Among America’s Teachers. Dr. Jocelyn has two published works, A Study Exploring the Educational Needs of African-American Pastors’ Wives Within Baptist Congregations and a children’s book entitled, In Faith Together We Shape. She was commissioned by Charles City County, Virginia as a part of Jamestown’s 400th Anniversary, to research and write a children’s musical highlighting the lives of 19th century African-Americans in Charles City, Virginia. Currently, she teaches in Henrico County, Virginia Public School’s Early Learning Preschool Program and has served as a harpist in religious, medical, behavioral health, convalescing, palliative care, and hospice settings.
Dr. Jocelyn is active in both the church and community. She is a member of New Zion Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Virginia where her husband has pastored since 1991. She is also a volunteer for the Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia (WMUV) and serves as a member of the Board, Sisters Who Care, and HOPE Team: Domestic Violence. Dr. Jocelyn has participated in local, national, and international missions experiences including: Flint, Michigan; Standing Rock, North Dakota; Rwanda and Kenya, Africa; Gredos, Spain, and Chungcheong, South Korea. On a daily basis, she is striving to comfort, serve, assist, support, mentor, and encourage others, by remembering, “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” (II Corinthians 1:4, New Living Translation) and “…To whom much has be given, much will be required…” (Luke 12:48, New Revised Standard Version).
“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. ”