New Zion Baptist Church
Couples Ministry
Men's Ministry
Men's Missions
Brethren Chorale Men's Choir
Men's Fellowship
Singles Ministry
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry opens the door for relationships between women from different backgrounds, ages, and life stages. Thus, the goal of women's ministry is to grow in our relationship with the Lord, to serve Him with our Christian sisters, help women discover their God-given gifts for ministry, determine needs and match those needs with their gifts of service, in order to minister to the world around us (1 Peter 4:10).
Women's Fellowship
Women's Mission Experience
The NZBC Women's Ministry cordially invites all women, age 18 and up, to attend our "Bible Discussion Plus," the second Friday night of each month, from 7 - 8:00 p.m and the fourth Saturday each month, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. on Zoom.
Click here to email Deacon Shirley Smith for the discussion topics and Zoom information.
Young Adult's Ministry
The Young Adult Ministry is composed of men and women passionate and purposeful about making Jesus and His teachings a priority. The group engages in monthly home fellowships and stays connected furthermore via technology. Many of the Young Adult ministry group also serve the church body as participants on the New Zion Praise and Worship Team, also known as Infinite Praise. The group is open to any persons been the ages of 18-39 who are looking to follow the footsteps of the Christ within contemporary culture as singles, parents, and professionals.
Infinite Praise Team
Youth Ministry - CY2
All God's Children Ministry
Sunbeams Choir
New Generations Choir
Youth Workers Ministry
Youth Recognition
Children of God Dance Ministry
Ushers MInistry
Other Ministries
Christian Education Ministry
New Zion's Christian Education Ministry is the teaching ministry of the church. It helps students, of all ages, develop into whole persons (spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially), through biblical literacy. This is achieved through Bible Study, Sunday School, and New Member classroom instruction. The process helps to inspire each of us and aids in our becoming more Christ-like and equipped to do the work he requires of us.
Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
Adult Bible Study
Daytime Bible Study
Black History Program
Medicare Seminar
New Members Ministry
Vision Ministry
Scholarship Ministry
Health Ministry
Music Ministry
Ada Imani Harp Program
Spiritual Movement -Praise Dance
Children of God Dance Ministry
Voices of Zion Choir
Brethren Chorale
Infinite Praise
Joy Ensemble Choir
Sunbeams Choir
New Generations Choir
Senior Choir
Operations Ministry
Environmental & Recycling
Safety Team
Transportation Ministry
Multi-Media Ministry
Ushers Ministry
Church Administration
Outreach Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Share Ministry
Harvest Feast Ministry
Evangelism Ministry
New Zion Missions Ministry
Would you like further information about any of our ministries? Send us a message and we’ll be glad to assist you!